University of Patras (UPAT) is the third largest university in Greece, with over 20000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 1000 faculty and research staff and 300 administrative personnel, and has extensive experience in implementation and management of European and national research projects, with dedicated financial and administrative body, the Research Committee. UPAT will participate through its Communications and Information Technologies Laboratory (WCL), established in 1967 at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and especially through the Visualization and Virtual Reality Group (http://www.vvr.ece.upatras.gr/index.php/en/). The WCL currently has a staff of more than 50 researchers, support personnel, and PhD students and is active in the following main areas, with organized R&D Groups:
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Audio & Acoustics Technology,
- Network Architectures and Management,
- Digital Transmission and Coding,
- Communication Networks Traffic Engineering and Applications,
- Communications and Telematic Applications,
- Pattern Recognition and
- Visualization and Virtual Reality.
WCL is active, among others in human-computer interaction, virtual user modelling, virtual physiological humans, virtual and mixed reality, physics-based simulation, computational modelling, biomechanics, clinical decision support systems, machine learning, etc. In the latest years the lab has published over 300 scientific publications, contributed over 30 PhD dissertations, developed various resources (databases, research tools, technology-prove prototypes, etc.) and participated/is participating in more than 35 R&D Projects.