The Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos (ANEFA), created in 1977, is one of the oldest and most reputable associations of extractive industries and construction products in Spain. It groups more than 400 active mining exploitations and is made up of more than 250 companies spread throughout the national territory, framed in ANEFA directly as active member companies or through member associations. These figures include close to 25 affiliated member companies, suppliers of equipment and services for the sector. Since the beginning of 2007, ANEFA is a member of the Federation of Aggregates, together with the Gremi d'Àrids de Catalunya, the Association of Arid Businesses of the Valencian Community - ARIVAL - and the Galician Arid Association - AGA. Until then, ANEFA has held the representation of the aggregate sector, both nationally and internationally, exercising the official representation of the Spanish aggregate sector in the European Union of Aggregate Producers (UEPG), an organization that groups together 31 European countries, the Iberian-American Federation of Aggregates Producers (FIPA), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and other international organizations.